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The 10 Most Pirated Movies

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The F Gary directed N.W.A biopic movie Straight Outta Compton has killed at the box office since 14th August of its release. It has managed to evade the hell of being bootlegged until now as torrent freak has listed Straight Outta Compton as one of the most pirated movies of the week.

Pcmag doesn’t illegally download movies or streaming. Overall this roundup contains their mere observation about internet film piracy — nothing more, nothing less.

While talking about pirated movies. It has the disclaimer out the way to do.

Welcome back, as Entourage is joining Straight Outta Compton as three new movies of the week.

The following data collected by Torrent Freak shows the 10 most pirated movies of 2011:

  1. Fast Five: 9,26,000 downloads
  2. The Hangover II: 8,840,000 downloads
  3. Thor: 8.330.000 downloads
  4. Source Code: 7,910,000 downloads
  5. I am Number Four: 7,670,000 downloads
  6. Sucker Punch: 7,200,000 downloads
  7. 127 Hours: 6,910,000 downloads
  8. Rango: 6,480,000 downloads
  9. The King’s Speech: 6,250,000 downloads
  10. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2: 6,030,000 downloads

If you want to know more about the bootlegged firms, then you may find the seven other movies which are popular among pirates and should have to check out the slide show linked of both above and below information.

Please be sure and make us know about the movies on most bootlegged film list. If you have seen this movie and want to think they are worth by watching them providing your opinion in the comment section. If you have strong thought, then let us know about it.

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