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The Future Of Mobile Payments Conference Schedule

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The Future of Mobile Payments Conference Schedule



Date:             26– 28 November 2015 (Thursday–Saturday)

Venue:          Hotel Annapurna, Durbarmarg, Kathmandu

Title:              Information Security in Financial Institutions

Theme:         Financial Inclusion and Payment Systems Security


26 Nov 2015

The arrival of Guests, Delegates and Welcome dinner at 5:30 PM onwards at Hotel Annapurna (For Foreign Guest, Speakers and Supporters only)

27 Nov 2015

08:30-9:00     Registration

09:30-11:00                        Opening Ceremony:

09:00-9:10     Seat Placement and Batch distribution

Welcome Speech by Mr. Narayan Neupane, General Secretary, (ITSERT-NP)

10:00                Keynote Address: Mr. Yuvaraj Pradhan of Intel Security

Remarks By: DG Department of Information Technology, Government of Nepal.

Remarks by: Secretary- Ministry of Information Communication and Technology

Comments by: Governor, Nepal Rastra Bank, Government of Nepal

10:30                 Chief Guest: Ministry of Information, Communication, and Technology

10:45                 Closing Remarks of Opening Session by Mr. Rajan Raj pant, President, ( ITSERT-NP)

11:00 – 11:30           Tea-Break.

First Session


 Session Chair: TBC

 Title: Solving the Banking Last mile & Cost of the Cash

Presenter: Mr. Thousten Newmann, Co-founder and CTO Smart Pesa

Title: Interbank Payment System in Nepal

Presenter: Mr. Neelesh Man Singh Pradhan, CEO of Nepal Clearing House

13:00-14:00                Luncheon

Second Session


Session Chair: TBC

 Title: PCI DSS Implementation

Presenter: Mr. Debjyoti Guha, Intel Security

Title:Biometrics: the Future of Mobile Payments

Presenter: Mr. Soumak Roy, Technical Evangelist, RSA

15:30-16:00                Tea-Break

16:00-17:00                Panel Discussion


Mr. Anand Raj Khanal
Mr.Radhesh Pant
Mr. Rabindra Jha
Mr. Birendra Mishra
Nepal Rastra Bank
Mr.Prabin Chhetri
Dr. Pramod Parajuli

  18:00   Onwards Cultural (Pre-Registered foreign Delegates and Organizer only)

Day II 28th November 2015

Third Session


Session Chair: TBC

Title: Defending Financial Intrusions

Presenter: Mr. Narayan Koirala, CEO Eminence Ways

Title: Regulators (NRB) expectations on information security

Presenter: Mr. Ajit Regmi, Deputy Director (IT) Nepal Rastra Bank

11:30-12:00              Tea-Break

 Fourth Session


Session Chair: TBC

Title: Meeting Stakeholder Needs

Presenter: Mr.Vivek S Rana, CISA, CISM, CGEIT, CITP, InfoAssure, Nepal

 Title: Financial Inclusion Ecosystem

Presenter: Mr.Prasun Srivastav, Sr. Solution Specialist, SafeNet, India

13:00-14:00              Luncheon

Fifth Session


Session Chair: TBC

                                                Title: Core Banking System:  Measures to Minimize Inside Threats                        Presenter: Mr.Ramendra Pradhananga, CEO Inorins Technologies P. Limited                                                Title:                         Presenter: Mr. Rajbir Singh, NexusGroup

16:30-17:30                Panel Discussion

18:00                           Gala Dinner

November 29, 2015

Half Day Tour Package for foreign Delegates (Pre- Registered only)


Organizing Committee of Financial Inclusion and Payment Systems Security 2015

Information Technology Security Emergency Response Team Nepal (ITSERT-NP),



Tel: +977-1-5520429

Mob: +977 9851110497

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