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The Young ICT Policy Leader

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ITS Nepal; Founder President, Immediate Vice President of CAN Federation of Nepal, General Secretary of INSERT Nepal, Chief Operating Officer of Nepal Certifying Company, Youth Motivator, ICT Personality, ICT Youth Mobilizer, ICT Learner, A Young Dynamic Leader, ICT Leader in Nepal, Mr. Narayan Neupane. He Serves  Social service through his sector in ICT.

Why Your role is Significant to CAN Federation of Nepal?

About CAN, I have a different vision regarding your questions, I think, CAN is not the Synonym of ICT in Nepal, it is just a platform. Some person in History contributed to developing it as a platform and yes as being an Executive member, Secretary, General Secretary and also being a vice president I serve 8 years in CAN, and I can say I have significant role to make CAN from CAN federation.

What experience have you had as working as part of a CAN Federation of Nepal?

Who never wanted to listen CAN as a federation now they think they are all about ICT in Nepal and CAN. At that time I was General Secretary and I took challenge to convert it in Federation through CAN Executive and AGM. I should say again that, some people sell that brand and lead for 3 years although AGM had given mandate for a year.

Can you Imagine CAN Federation of Nepal address and brings your team in the future?

I cannot expect anything from CAN leadership; it’s just a time passing for some people they cannot address any issues of ICT in Nepal, nor they have the solid vision to contribute in it.

Have you developed an alternative plan to ensure continuous availability of CAN Federation of Nepal?

I learned many things from CAN; the biggest thing is politics which is to take only the position and not doing anything in the professional are I can say just like in the political scenario.
I hope we can Still developed this platform by removing some jargon from CAN. In CAN there are possibilities to address the issue because of Name Brand of the association and contributions of persons in the history.

Can you share with us the most satisfying moments in your professional life?

I have many Satisfying moments in my life as being an IT professional which are significantly remarkable. The day I specially remember always in my life is , In CAN when we celebrate CAN day as a National ICT day for 2nd May that was because of my proposal and effort and later we also started to facilitate the ICT personal in same day. This is not just only my happiest day who contributed in CAN and ICT sector that was the greatest day in 2nd may 2011. But this year whatsoever reason this event is also stopped in CAN. This may be as because of Age Bar and my contribution towards ICT sector in different role in the country.

How selective are you while buying gadgets?
I am not so selective buying gadgets. I only care my requirements. But I keep on updating of available gadgets from different media.

Will you please share us your habit on the use of social media?

Just connecting older friends. I early meet new friends in social media and among social media I mostly use Facebook.

What are you doing nowadays?

I have started some works in ICT security sector of Nepal nowadays we raised many issues in hardware, software, Telco, Internet sector of Nepal but we are in the ground of Security related issues. In this sector, we have to do something rather than public speech; you may know “Action Speaker is more powerful than Loud Speaker.”
That’s why we are doing another international level of ICT Security related conference in November especially focusing on Financial institutions as this sector is an excellent ICT implementer sector and they need real support from industrialist like us.
In the past few years, I have also involved starting Digital signature in Nepal, We faced the most significant obstacle in between, and ultimately we are closure to issue digital signature and certificate in the country after that in Information security sector of Nepal We will achieve a milestone.

Have you anything else you would like to tell us?

Yes, I have to say something that I am not disappear in the market. I have announced to start ICT consortium to address the issues of ICT in Nepal.

After Completion our internal works we will start substantial activities to achieve an objective of ICT consortium and contribute to the nation through the sector, and this consortium is not targeted to anyone organization and also persons. It works only healthy ICT activities with the involvement of a healthy person.

And also Happy Dashin and these Festive seasons, I wish we will be happy in these seasons although we have a complicated known situation in the country.

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