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Tim Cook Offers Microsoft An Olive Branch At Box Enterprise Event

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Tim Cook Offers Microsoft An Olive Branch At Box Enterprise EventBox CEO and co-founder Aaron device are working on Box worker event by sitting down on Apple CEO Tim Cook to discuss collaboration and enterprise technology. The Google and Android iOS. Apple surprise positively on Apple’s relationship with its former nemeses.

Microsoft and Apple can partner for the things compete in and what the customer needs. Cook told that being the partner of Microsoft is an excellent deal for the customer.

Cook comments Apple for changing underscore over years which has been leading it surprisingly by different rule book for the enterprise.

I don’t believe in holding gadgets because life is short. You will get many friends to continue as I think it to deliver much better for working with major players according to customer need.

Apple is known as the best consumer company for releasing products like the iPhone and iPad which changed the face every day. Cook said that Apple has few years for building the enterprise features for software. Apple is more quiet about the move.

According to the Apple executive, Apple is focusing on building mobile computing which is not the surprisingly, iPhone is the critical point discussion.

Cook was candid about Apple for not being good at everything. We don’t have drop knowledge about the enterprise which has fewer skills or leverage.

Google just ding Google during the roughly hour chat. The Apple CEO argued for having a single operating system for both music and personal computer. This comment has recently released Windows 10. According to cook, it is trying to build a new operating system for mobile productivity and desktop.

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