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Tootle And Pathao Violated The Discipline And Impact, Traffic Department

Why Police arrest Pathao and Tootle Riders

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Director General of Traffic Management Department, Kumar Dahal has mentioned Tootle and Pathao as negative impacts for Nepal.


Dahal Straight forward said that action would be taken against Tootle and Pathao after receiving claims from the valley’s Taxi owners and drivers service community’s representative saying that the government hasn’t been able to do anything to these illegal operations.


He said that the private vehicles have been working for transporting the people against the Transport System Act, 1949 and are to be dealt with.

“It has had a great negative impact in the market and discipline is being violated,” he said. Dahal added, “Either a proper law amendment has to be made for this otherwise these acts shouldn’t be motivated in the name of employment.”


Dahal said that he was also talking about this topic with the Department ministers and mentioned that the department is moving forward for taking proper action in this case.

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