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Top 10 Best Google Assistant tips and tricks

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When Google’s lunch pixel telex free smartphone one of the main talking point for the google assistant. The assistant you could have conversations with as it turned out the google assistant was way better than any other virtual assistant in the mobile phone market and now that is being made available to every Android device running marshmallow or higher. I think it’s time to talked about some cool google specific tricks

Ten cool google assistant tricks

Unlocking your phone can be a pain if you have a complicated password set up. Thankfully you can use google systems hot words to unlock your phone just say “Ok Google “to unlock your phone. Don’t worry your phone will only unlock if it recognizes the voice as being you. You can set this up in security smart lock.

You spend last minutes before rushing out of your house frantically searching for things. Thanks to google assistant you can just ask google to remember the places you kept those things for you. By saying that “Ok Google remember that”…………. (You can say what you want to remember for google assistant)

Google assistant can also show you unread text messages on your phone you can reply to them as well directly from google assistant itself by saying that “Ok Google show me my messages”  it will show you and read also. If you want to reply to the message just say “Reply” then say your message to google assistant and send it. The assistant also can show you your email form the google account connected to it by saying that “Ok Google show me my email”

How cool would it be if you could get Google assistant to tell you about a day? Google assistant can give you a daily briefing as well you can simply say something like “Ok Google  what does my day look like”. You can customize the things you want Google to tell you about in a daily. This can be done by going to the google assistant setting and then tapping on my day here you can consider the things that you want to know about in your daily briefing including things like the weather the time it will take you to reach work along with any events and reminders that you may have this is followed by short fuse brief as well you can select the new sources you want to get news from by tapping on the setting cog in front of new.

If smiling was reaching for the camera button is not imported Google assistant can help you. You won’t have to reach for the shutter button to lick a selfie anymore by merely saying that “Ok Google take a selfie.” Google assistant start the 3-sec countdown before clicking the picture.

People who are using google photos can use Google assistant to check out their pic and even get results about specific event page and subject. You can say something like “Ok Google show me my photo” it shows result from photos stored in Google photo. You can even find the results based on dates places and image subject. To see images you took last year just say “Ok Google show my photos from last year”. You can search results by the subject in the images. This is much better than lunching the photos app and manually scrolling through all the pictures you ever talk.

All the people like using Facebook a lot and use it to update your friends about everything’s you do this will probably save you a lot of time. You will have to use IFTTT recipe to get this working but it’s actually very easy just connect your google assistant and Facebook accounts to IFTTT and enable the recipe. Once you’ve done that you can post to Facebook bay saying “Ok Google tell my friend ………… (You can say any things it will post in Facebook)”. There are a lot of other cool thing you can get google assistant to do the IFTTT.

This is a cool one check it out by simply saying that “Ok Google it’s my birthday”. Google show birthday theme pictures like cake and more all customized with your name that really cool.

Google assistant can also help across a speech to other languages this can come in very handy when you were on a vacation to a foreign or just as a way to learn basic phrases in different languages by saying “Ok Google Translate …….. (And say what you want to translate in other languages)”.

Google has been known to geek out about things and loves to do so here’s another example of Google beings well Google by saying “Ok Google do you speak in Morse code” ok that’s definitely a great way to put it well.

By Unique Aryal

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