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Top Five Attractions You Need to See in OPPO INNO WORLD

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Imagine escaping to a land where OPPO fans from all corners of the world can connect, share, and dive into a realm of cutting-edge innovations.

As the world continues to battle against a global pandemic, OPPO is fulfilling its promise of “virtuous innovation” with the creation of a bespoke virtual playground — INNO WORLD — to celebrate the arrival of OPPO INNO DAY 2021, which is OPPO’s signature annual technology event to introduce several technology breakthroughs.

INNO WORLD is packed full of exciting technologies, and we will take you through the top five unmissable sights at the first OPPO INNO WORLD in this guide.

1: Unleash Creativity with Your Personal INNO WORLD Avatar

Have you ever wished to be a rock star, complete with a leather jacket, torn jeans, and waist-length hair? With dozens of different avatar skins and accessories to choose from, you can live the life you always wanted to live in our virtual world.

In just a few clicks, you can give your avatar a name, choose their style, and fix it up with whatever cool accessories it needs to make a name for itself in INNO WORLD.

2: Dive into OPPO’s Latest Groundbreaking Innovations

INNO WORLD isn’t confined by the restraints of reality, something which its architects know all too well.

Each building and structure in INNO WORLD are designed to evoke the technology found within, alongside OPPO’s insights on how this technology should benefit its users.

There are many different exhibition halls found throughout INNO WORLD, but here are just a few of our favorites.

Designed to symbolize a camera, the Imaging Hall is where OPPO outlines its vision of helping users discover more beauty in daily life through powerful imaging technologies. Over at the Renovators Showroom, you can enjoy art pieces created by young artists around the world.

The building is easily recognizable by its spiral shape, which represents the interconnection of art and technology. At Central Square, OPPO will be live streaming it’s signature annual technology event — OPPO INNO DAY 2021.

Here, you can watch the entire event live as if you were there in real life. Keen observers might even notice that there is a hall that resembles the bright plumage of the peacock, which could be a hint as to what kind of cutting-edge technology will be announced during INNO DAY.

The hall of OPPO Find N resembles the bright plumage of the peacock

3: Howdy Neighbor! Meet New Friends and Stay Connected

In INNO WORLD, each avatar is free to express, and visitors can chat to anyone next to them so that everyone can stay in touch as you each move between the different areas. There are also bulletin boards throughout INNO WORLD for you to leave your marks in this virtual space.

Building your digital connections to anyone next to you in INNO WORLD

Also, you can add an emoji above your avatar to let the world know how you’re really feeling. Just make sure you go sparingly with your use of the poomoji!

Four: Take a Selfie with OPPO’s Future HQ

As anyone would expect from a virtual world, exploration of INNO WORLD isn’t restricted by a scripted story, with visitors being free to roam around as they please. Search long enough and you may just come across a digital copy of OPPO’s future headquarters in Shenzhen. Designed by Zaha Hadid Architects, this architectural marvel is hidden away in INNO WORLD for visitors to seek out. Look for the Camera icon that pops up when you’re near the OPPO Headquarters or other mysterious landmarks to take a selfie and unlock one of the many hidden Easter eggs scattered around INNO WORLD.

Developers of INNO WORLD have hidden many Easter eggs throughout the virtual world for OPPO fans to discover, including a quantum tunnel modeled after Doraemon’s famous Gulliver’s Tunnel. If you feel like you’ve stumbled across a glitch in INNO WORLD, don’t worry! It’s most likely a teleportation gate transporting you instantly to another area of INNO WORLD.

These are just two of the fun Easter eggs are hidden away in INNO WORLD. Find them all to unlock a special reward from OPPO!

Five: Reimagine the Future Together with OPPO

Everything OPPO does is built around its brand mission of“Technology for Mankind, Kindness for the World”, and with INNO WORLD, OPPO is doing away with traditional online launch events to create an immersive space that combines the best of online and offline launches with even more new features. INNO WORLD is a place for people worldwide to unite and reimagine the future through innovation together with OPPO.

Originally evolving from OPPO’s own internal technology showcase, OPPO INNO DAY is now its third year as a public event and has become a signature event for the company to showcase its latest technological achievements. Going forward, OPPO will continue to explore new ways to further involve its fans in future iterations of OPPO INNO DAY, making it a technology festival for everyone.

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