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Twitter Removing 140 Character Limit

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Micro-Blogging site Twitter lately: has removed Direct Message having the limit of 140 characters. Twitter has declared it through one of its blogs.

Twitter has written- “If you have checked your DM today, they must have seen some things missing from there: that missing thing is limit of 140 characters. Now, in single Direct Message, you can chat as much as you can without any limit.”

Twitter has brought this change slowly in Android apps,, tweet deck and twitter for MAC.

Still, some of the users are complaining that they can see the limit of 1540 characters in their DM. According to twitter this changes is slowly applying to all and will be available soon.

But, this removal of character limit is only for direct messages, but in the case of tweets, it has still got a limit of 140 characters.

According to the change, users can now send DM having 10,000 characters.

While WhatsApp and Facebook are mastery better in messaging service, so to attract its users, Twitter has given this 10,000 characters’ DM service to its users.

It must be remembered, in last June Twitter has stated that they started working on removing the limit of 140 characters’ DM. On the same day of declaration, co-founder of Twitter Dick Costa resigned from the position of CEO.

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