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Vacancy Notice From NIC Asia Laghubitta Bittya Sanstha

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25 December 2020, Kathmandu

Employment Opportunity for various positions. NIC Asia Laghubitta is hiring

For different roles, NIC Asia Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited has requested employees. Laghubitta has demanded employees for the posts of officer, senior officer, junior officer, and supervisor. The organization has stated that the interested applicant should have submitted the application by January 7.

Staff Requirements

NIC Asia Bank Bittiya Sanstha Limited, a subsidiary of NIC Asia Bank Ltd., is a “D” class national level financial institution licensed by Nepal Rastra Bank. For this financial institution, the following employees are required in various positions, and those eligible Nepali citizens who have matched the qualification were invited on 22nd of Poush 2077 at a specified location.

1. Head of State (Senior Officer / Assistant Manager) – (Few):

      Location:          Designated curriculum offices across the country.

      Requirement:   Graduate degree from a recognized institution.

      Experiences:      Has been working in the field of national level  for at leats

                              3-5 years.Has been working for at least 1 year as a senior

                              maximum for the application of Assistant Principal and for

                              at least 1 year at the authorized level for the application of

                              senior maximum. Priority will be given to those working as

                              future heads and department heads.

      Age:                25 years of age and not less than 45 by the date of


2. Sub-State Chief (Officer / Senior Officer) – (Few):

     Location:        Sub-province pump work designations across the country.

     Requirement:  Graduate degree from a recognized institution.


Has been working in national-level finance or related field for at least 2-4 years (At least 1 year as maximum for application of senior maximum and for application of maximum Must have been working at the junior officer and supervisor level for at least 2 years.

Age: 21 years and less than 40 years of age till the date of application.

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