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Visual Studio 2015 RTM Release

Update your UWP Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 RC project to RTM

The manufacturing company RTM has announced to release visual  Studio 2015 RTM. Visual Studio includes many updates and features such as cross plant form mobile development for iOS, windows, and android for universal wWindowsapp including Apache Cordova, unity and many more. Visual c++ for the ross plant for mobile development

It’s easy to reuse, build, share, debug and deploy the most specific platform code across the multiple app platform within an ingle solution. The few things are pointed below:

You may create projects from Templates for Native Android Activity which is used for shared code that can be use for multiple platform and Xamarin native Android application.

You may use a specific platform to explore AIPs to generate code for windows target or Android. You may configure for ARN native platform.

It may deploy your attached code for Android device to use preferment Android emulator for Microsoft testing. You may set breakpoints to watch variable to step through code in the visual studio debugger.

You may view the message log from Athe android device by the log cat viewer. You may search for a specific log message for the search bar. You can use toggle Auto scroll to view upcoming logo. Logging the output message is clear. You have to choose various logs.