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What Is Computer Security? What Are The Types Of Computer Security Threat?

Emerging Cyber Threats

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Many people aren’t aware of the cyber threats lurking on the World Wide Web, i.e., internet. Stories of only high profile celebrities, politicians, big companies, etc. are made but have you ever thought of what would happen if all your credential information like username, password, credit card number, financial transactions, etc. is leaked from the internet. There is no imagination how devastating destruction occurs in each life. So Cybersecurity, Computer Security or IT Security are today’s need to protect our confidential data and information from the eavesdropper, hacker, etc.

Computer Security or IT Security is a global demand to protect our computer systems from the malicious attackers from doing any damage to our hardware, software as well as disruption of the services provided. So Computer Security involves controlling our physical access as well as protecting against the harm that occurs via network access, data, and code injection.

Attackers often think ahead than a problem solver so always keep in mind that they are frequently trying or using different attacking techniques and methods we may not be aware of to discover our confidential personal or business information. So we have to be mindful of these facts by being extra vigilant when online. Then only, secureness of our information becomes possible from our site.

There are several types of computer security threat in modern time; a few of them are mentioned here:

  1. Trojan Horse

Trojan horse is a malicious program, attached with the application that users thought legitimate but actually, it is malicious. Once a Trojan horse embedded application has been downloaded in your computer, a Trojan horse can do anything from record your confidential passwords by logging keystrokes known as a Keystroke logger to hijacking your web camera to watch and record your whole movement in business. The most popular banking threats come from the Trojan horse family are Zeus and Spy Eye.

  1. Backdoor

Backdoor is not a Malware, but it is a process of generating a secret path or method by an eavesdropper to bypass all the regular authentication services.

  1. Denial of service attacks

A distributed denial-of-service attack occurs when a malicious user gets a network of zombie computers to sabotage a particular website or server. The attack occurs when the malicious user tells all the zombie computers to link with specific site or server frequently that increases the volume of traffic overloads and results with shut down of website or server.

  1. Botnet

A Botnet is a group of computers or software robots or bots creates a battalion of infected computers known as Zombies when get connected to the internet by the originator. The originator remotely controls them. It can spread all types of malware, send spam emails with viruses attached, use one computer to infect others, etc.

  1. Wabbits

It is a self-replicating threat not like a virus or worms. It does not harm the computer system like a Virus so does not replicate like a worm. An example of Wabbits attack is the fork bomb.

  1. Hacking

A very great term for the security breach is hacking; it is an action taken by some anonymous to gain unauthorized access to a computer. Hackers find weaknesses in our security settings to access our information, install a Trojan horse for creating a backdoor to discover our confidential information. There is even more attack you can search for like Direct-access attacks, Eavesdropping, Spoofing, Tampering, Privilege escalation, Phishing, Clickjacking, Social Engineering, Virus, Worms, Spyware, Scareware, Adware, Exploit, Dialer, Dropper, Fake AV, Bluejacking, Boot Sector Virus, etc.

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