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What Is Tech Camp Nepal 2017?

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Three Phases of TechCamp Nepal 2017
TechCamp Nepal has been divided into three phases:

          Phases of TechCamp Nepal 2017


– Outreach/ Awareness

– Application open for Bootcamps

– Discussion of  Problem Statements in a BootCamp

-Application open with problem statements for Event TechCamp Nepal

– Selection of the applicants

Event: TechCamp

– Welcome and Mentoring

– Prototype Creation

– Pitching the solution

Post Event:

– Mentoring for development of solution

– Develop and Complete Solution

– Reach to Market

What is TechCamp Nepal 2017?


Female Student developers, designers, programmers, and Female tech professionals will team up in an energetic race of programming to develop innovative solutions. We are targeting a total of 50 participants at the moment coding for 72 hours on their answers to build the best solutions. TechCamp Nepal will be residential, three days and two nights and will be conducted on March 2-4, 2017 at Chitwan, Nepal.

TechCamp Nepal 2017 is initiated by Elliane Memorial Foundation in partnership with US Embassy Nepal and Microsoft Innovation Center Nepal to design, create and develop innovative solutions thru youth empowerment. The primary objective of organizing this TechCamp is to provide skills to students who want to build their career in IT, start their own business or create an impact on society. This TechCamp will not only give them technical skills but also make them capable of learning and using the capability to develop innovative solutions during certain specific programs.

For the TechCamp Nepal, found is organizing multiple activities for developing a network of geek girls, provide access to them and get the best and innovative solution out of them. Selection of the participants will be announced at the end of February if you have any query email us at mic@micnepal.org.

By technetnepal

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