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Why ICT Career For Girls ? Sabita Neupane

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Slender built and youthful looking Sabita Neupane, One of the girl’s leader in ICT at Butwal, was the center of admiration from thousands of ICT enthusiastic girls. Sabita Neupane is inspiring girls high-fliers in the industry in a bid to encourage young girls to take an interest in the IT sector.

Tell us yourself

My name is Sabita Neupane perusing my Computer Science and Information Technology (BSC. CSIT), and I’m also one of the founder member of Butwal Information Technology Student (BITS) Association and President at Butwal Coders Girls.

Why did you choose BSc? CSIT course?

Well, I never wanted to get on the tech field firstly.
But since I have been studying CSIT, I want to be more focus on making myself strong as a tech person. BSc CSIT is not just an Information Technology; its add Computer Science. It focuses on principles and techniques. Computer science gives us a solid grounding in logic, strategic thinking, and teamwork.

Information Technology is part of almost every single other career field in the world, and technicians keep communication infrastructure flowing.

How do you observe the market potentiality for your skills in Nepali market?

Talking about the market, there is always the scope of IT; it just never fade away. Information Technology is the most popular career and the fastest growing industry in the world. Talking about my skill I learned Web designing, and it has a vast scope of in the market. Also adding on I have powers of Photoshop, WordPress as well as PHP.

Will you please share us your habit on the use of social media?

Social media are like part of my life. It helps me to get an update about my friend thoughts and technology related topics too. So, I use these social sites to share my feeling and to get updated on the latest happening in the world.
I got a chance to meet people and also got to learn more about advanced technology.

Have you anything to say about the ICT Community in Nepal?

ICT community in Nepal focuses on promoting Information Communication technology in Nepal. It assists in the fields of technology and exchanging knowledge and skill. ICT community has been highly active and responding to us. I would like to thank the ICT community for being promotion and the extra information given to us.

Apart from IT? What are your interests

Besides IT I like to travel a lot, and I love sports especially Volleyball.

Also, I am learning Martial Arts.

Are you aware of the IT Policy of Nepal?

IT plays a vital role to build up knowledge-based society and boost up the economic condition of any country. IT policy is needed for Nepal to provide the general people access to IT to make knowledge-based society to established knowledge-based industry and to change the economic conditions of people. IT helps to promote e-commerce, e-education, e-health, among others, and to transfer technology in rural areas and also to establish Nepal in the global market through the use of information technology.

Do you have anything to share through ICT FRAME?

First of all, I would like to thank ICT FRAME for giving me a platform to share my thoughts. Through ICT Frame I would like to request every girl to have positive thinking towards technology field. Technology is the best choice for every girl. Hopefully, we could reach many other people through Butwal Information Technology Student (BITS) Association and Butwal Coder Girls who are interested in the technology through many seminars, events and hours of code.

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