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Why Office 365 Is Better Than Google Apps

What makes apps stand out? With the emergence of numerous apps and software today, how will users know what application is suitable for them?

Office 365 and Google Apps, two of the big players of productivity apps, have been in a constant battle of who’s the best in the category. I have used both, but I’ll always stick with Office. Here’s why:

1. Office 365 is well established

2. Office 365 is casual and comfortable to use

3. Office 365 offers a complete solution

4. Office 365 values data privacy and security

5. Office 365’s file formats are universal

6. Office 365 makes collaboration more convenient

7. Office 365 lets you work offline

8. Office 365 automatically saves data in the cloud

9. Office 365 offers a more unified communication

10. Office 365 always have the latest version

Need I say more? Productivity apps may emerge, but I’ll always stick with Office 365.