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Women Empowerment Technical Workshop Coming Soon

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Robotics Association of Nepal on behalf of U.S Embassy is proud to present “Women-Technopreneur” 5 days women empowerment technical workshop series under Girls in Tech program for girls of any level starting from 15th February-20th February 2017 at Ihub, Kathmandu.

“Miss-Tech” is a team of women for women from Robotics Association of Nepal. It has been initiated with a vision of encouraging women in the technical field and develop the leadership in them. It has been developing a platform for enthusiastic women in technology to share their knowledge so that they can make a positive difference in their communities.

Miss-Tech aims to provide different software, hardware, and leadership skills through workshops for the students of different levels on coding, creating and computing. The team believes that the fastest way to change society is to mobilize the women of the society.
The “Miss-Tech 2017 “ will focus on Women-Technopreneur for the program, Girls in Tech “Women’s Empowerment through Technology.”

Women-Technopreneur will bring the leadership and confidence in each participant and help them learn hardware interfacing, programming, game development, social networking, and entrepreneurship in order to challenge the society’s norms and values, to take them forward and make them determined to lead the change in the society.
Program Details:
Game development through Scratch (Feb 15)
Android app development through MIT App Inventor (Feb 16)
Hardware interfacing through Arduino (Feb 17)
Social networking through Blogging (Feb 19)
Entrepreneurship through Business Model Canvas (Feb 20)

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