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WordPress 4.7 Is Available In Nepali Language

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WordPress, the world’s most prominent and free open source content management system is now available in 100% Nepali language.

A couple of years ago, WordPress version 4.0 was also available in 100% Nepali language but the process of translating had slowed down after that, due to which the upcoming versions weren’t available in 100% Nepali. However recently Nilambar Sharma, GTE of the Nepali Polyglots team along with his team members got involved in translating WordPress into Nepali again.

They got help from numerous contributors who helped to facilitate the translation. Sharma and his team conducted several Weekly meetups and Nepali translation Day in the last year to attract and maintain contributors.

After a lot of hard work, WordPress is now finally available in Nepali again. This helps to generate a feeling of “ours” towards the most popular CMS. It will also help to expand WordPress in the Nepali market and increase the number of users, eventually generating a lot of opportunities. Currently, Sharma and his team are setting up for the upcoming WordPress 4.8.

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