2018 Cyber Security Expert’s Prophecy
The Economic Times states Cyber Security as the techniques for protecting computers, networks, programs and data from unauthorized access or attacks that are aimed for exploitation.
With the pace of time, cyber attacks have been a burgeoning issue in this contemporary digital world. Looking after variants of cyber attacks that have been growing immensely, more numbers of cyber attacks incident can be anticipated in the future.
Most of the most common cyber attacks that are happening in the present scene are disclosed of private information’s, hacking of social media, bank accounts and many others. Along with the rapid growth of advanced technology, the crime related to technical stuff is also growing day by day. Many illegal activities are carried out through an online platform.
Cyber attacks are also a significant phenomenon in developed countries and highly profiled companies’. Recently the tycoon of Social Media ‘Facebook’ became the victim of Cyberattack. Eighty-seven million Facebook users data were shared with Cambridge Analytica (London based political consulting firm which combined data mining, data brokerage, and data analysis with strategic communication for the electoral process.
Now let’s talk about some of the significant anticipated moves that can take place in a cyber security hub.
- Cybercriminals will emphasize coins and exchange whereas; Blockchain will surf the stuff outside the cryptocurrencies.
- Cyber attackers will employ Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) to conduct attacks.
- Cyber criminal will focus on supply chain attacks.
- Blow up in File-less and File-light Malware.
- Organizations will have to Struggle With Security-as-a-Service (SaaS) Security.
- Financial Trojans will push for more losses than Ransomware.
- Cybercriminals are now looking to expand their attack reach by exploiting the massive increase in expensive connected home devices. Hence, expensive home devices will be held to Ransom.
- The inputs and sensors of IoT devices will be hijacked by attackers feeding audio, video or other faked data to make these devices do what they want rather than what users expect them to do.
- IoT Components will be compromised by cybercriminals to provide persistent access to a victim’s network.