30 Interesting Facts About Internet
At this digital age, the internet has been our basic needs. From various internal to external tasks we rely on the internet. The Internet has been our tool to earn money. The Internet has got a very significant role in every human’s life. Sitting in one corner of the room we can know the information about various parts of the world. Within a single touch on screen we can buy and sell multiple products, the internet has made all these things possible.
There is probably no organization or an institution that runs without an internet. From waking up in the morning to going bed at night, we need access to the internet. The hype of the internet is burgeoning throughout the world.
This post presents some of the interesting facts about the internet. I hope you will enjoy reading it.
- China has camps for internet addicts
- 37 percent of the web is porn
- 30,000 websites are hacked every day
- There is high-speed internet on the way up to Mt. Everest
- The majority of internet traffic is not generated by humans bots like Google and Malware
- When Montenegro became independent from Yugoslavia its internet domain name went from .yu to .Mi
- A US journalist faces 105 years in jail for posting a link on the web
- 15 percent of American adults do not make use of the internet
- One in ten American thinks HTML the language of web pages a sexually transmitted disease
- Researchers are debating on including internet addiction to the list of mental disorder
- The first webcam was created in Cambridge to check the status of the coffee pot
- Over one hundred thousand new dot-com domains are registered on the web every day
- Nine million adult in Britain have never used the internet
- The psychologist examined internet trolls and found that they are narcissistic, psychopathic and sadistic
- Fifty percent of internet users will quit waiting for the video to load after 10 seconds
- The Philippines has the slowest internet speed in the entire southeast Asian region with an average rate of 3.54 megabytes per second
- 204 million emails are sent per minute by the internet users
- Uk’s internet porn filter architect was apprehended on child porn offenses
- China has more internet users on mobile devices than on Pc’s
- 70 percent of all the email sent are spam
- One-third of Italians have never used the internet the FI in WI-FI doesn’t mean anything the developers just called it that because it rhymed with hi-5
- By the end of 1993, there were only the presence of 623 websites on the world wide web
- 6 percent of the world’s populations have an internet addiction
- LOL used to mean lots of love before the internet
- Only 37.9 percent of people have access to the internet once a year or more
- In 2010 Finland became the first country in the world to make internet access illegal right
- The first thing ever purchased and sold across the internet was a bag of Marijuana around 1971
- The first email was sent in 1971 by Ray Tomilson to himself; he didn’t remember what it’s in the
- The first YouTube was uploaded on April 23rd, 2005, its called me at the zoo
- The name of the first ever website on the internet was info.cern.ch