About 9 Crores of Expenditure Due to Government Employees not Using Email with Office Domain Name
17th April 2023, Kathmandu
If government employees do not use the email including the domain name of the office, there will be an expenditure of around 9 crores.”
The National Information Technology Center has incurred an additional expenditure of NPR 8 crores 84 lakhs 71 thousand for purchasing and renewing email licenses due to the non-use of 7,554 emails that have been deleted.
The Office of the Auditor General has mentioned in its 60th annual report that due to the non-use of 7,554 emails, the government has incurred an additional expenditure of NPR 8 crores 84 lakhs 71 thousand for purchasing and renewing licenses.
The Government of Nepal has directed all government agencies in the Government Website Construction and Management Guidelines 2078 to use their own domain name for official emails and to use government emails mandatorily for government work.
Accordingly, the center purchased 20,000 licenses this year, out of which 18,400 emails have been created and 5,454 are inactive.
The Office of the Auditor General has stated that the additional expenditure of NPR 8 crores 84 lakhs 71 thousand have been incurred by the government for the purchase and renewal of email licenses due to the non-use of 7,554 emails purchased by the center.