Butwal Coder Girls Announced “ITCab: Knowing your IT environment”
On 16th Chaitra (29th March) Butwal Coder Girls is going to organize great event i.e. “ITCab: Knowing your IT environment”. ITCab includes various sections which will focus on many aspects.
Program Section:
1. Introduction
2. Counseling
3. Know your IT environment
It will focus mainly on Butwal Coder Girls i.e. foundation (when and how it was established), objective (what are its objective), work till the date (what are the program Butwal Coder Girls conducted) and many more. So that we can be able to encourage another student to be part of the IT world.
Many of the students are working very hard for their career. And some of the students are still unaware of anything on the IT field. Knowing the IT field, working hard but still we need some guidance about what programming language to choose, how to learn the program. At first, you need to know your interest and capability so that you can be able to do more in the IT field.
So, we aim to provide counseling about training i.e. what to follow, how to do, where to do and many more and to provide counseling to students so that they can be able to do something great for their career and our nation.
Know your IT environment:
We students need to know IT environment where we are living i.e. tools and technique used, the latest trends in the programming language, IT companies and many more. But first, we need to develop passion and interest in doing anything. And we are going to explore various topics on the day. So, it’s a great chance to know about various topics.