Jay Kishan Panjiyar, the Campus Director for Hult Prize at IOE, Pulchowk Campus
9th October 2020, Kathmandu
IOE, Pulchowk Campus is organizing the Hult Prize On-Campus event. So, we took an interview with the campus director, Mr. Jay Kishan Panjiyar to know what it’s all about.
Could you explain briefly about the Hult Prize at IOE, Pulchowk Campus?
Pulchowk Campus started Hult Prize in Nepal from the Tribhuvan University in 2016. With the growing On-Campus events in the country, then it branched from Hult Prize at TU from Hult prize at IOE. The Hult Prize at IOE has 13 colleges under it from where the students can take part.
With the Entrepreneur talk series and other events, what is the goal and impact Hult Prize at IOE is trying to create?
The team started the first level of the Entrepreneur talk series by the Hult Prize at IOE on Falgun in the campus premises. But because of the pandemic, it was on hold. But now with the event getting closer, it has started again. Being a startup based event, the participant and other people get the most out of the online events like this. The Hult Prize at IOE started the Online Entrepreneur Talk series to organize a well managed and consistent event to help aspiring entrepreneurs. The talk series runs on a framework built by the team to assist every aspect of building a startup.
How do you think this business/entrepreneurship event will help the engineering students?
The engineering field requires engineering Students to be innovative and come up with different projects throughout their student life. Out of all the projects done in one university or college, hardly very few come into existence in the real world. Events like the Hult Prize will help the students explore their entrepreneurial side. Most top companies in the world are technology-based companies so that the Hult Prize would be helpful to the tech-savvy engineering students.
With successful events in past years, do you think this year, will you be able to maintain the legacy amid the pandemic?
Yes, no doubts about maintaining the legacy, but it might be hard for the organizers from next year to keep up with us. As you might have known about the Entrepreneurship Talk Series, which will help the aspiring entrepreneurs whilst creating a buzz around the college. Organizing events with guests like Ali Zafar and Satish Gaire, it is hard to say the event won’t be successful. The guest’s Hult Prize at IOE can get now wouldn’t have possible if it wasn’t for the virtual events. Mr. Jay Kishan Panjiyar claims this to be the best On-Campus event ever.
Any message you would like to share?
Mr. Jay Kishan Panjiyar advises everyone to share their ideas rather than keeping it to themselves. Him being the participant of the Hult prize of last year says that he learned a lot from the event. And if it weren’t Hult prize, he wouldn’t have gone out there and shared the ideas; because of which he also has successfully launched a startup recently. So, always be free to share your ideas and welcome constructive criticisms and feedbacks with an open mind.