CAN Info-Tech Chitwan Starts From Tomorrow
Chitwan, 31st January 2018
CAN Infotech Chitwan starts tomorrow, Don’t miss your chance to be part of one of the most significant tech events in the Bharatpur, Chitwan. The Big Day of the mega tech expo CAN Info-Tech Chitwan organized by the Federation of Computer Association of Nepal (CAN Federation) Chitwan Chapter at Chitwan Expo Bharatpur, Chitwan.
Program Details
Name of Program: CAN Info-Tech 2018
Venue: Chitwan Expo Center Bharatpur Chitwan Nepal
Date: 8th to 12th Feb 2018 ( 25 Magh to Magh 29, 2074)
Duration: 5 days
Organizer: Federation of Computer Association Nepal, Chitwan
Number of Stalls: More than 100
No. of Visitors: Approximately 2,00,000 (Two lakh)