CEH and Four Other EC-Council Certification Exams Earn College Credit
25th April 2021, Kathmandu
EC-Council is pleased to announce five certifications that recently received approval from the American Council on Education (ACE). This is a major step to help jump-start college careers as well as document skills and experiences so students and professionals alike can receive post-secondary credit in the U.S. for what they already know. The following certification exams have recently been endorsed:
- Certified Network Defender (CND)
- Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH)
- Computer Hacking Forensics Investigator (CHFI)
- EC-Council Certified Incident Handler (ECIH)
- Certified Penetration Testing Professional (CPENT)
These certifications have now been added to the ACE National Guide, the official guide to find courses and exams that carry college credit or competency recommendations. As of February 1st, 2021, EC-Council candidates who become certified in CND, CEH, CHFI, ECIH, or CPENT are eligible to receive an ACE transcript with recommended credits. Although each college and university has different policies regarding credit for prior learning, ACE recommendations help colleges and universities grant credit for skills and knowledge like those demonstrated on EC-Council exams.
For U.S. & International Learners:
Contact your college to find out if you have earned credit through EC-Council exams that can help you make progress toward a college degree.
For the U.S. Military:
Military students may search for ACE-approved EC-Council certifications fitting their occupations to pursue credit opportunities.
For U.S. Colleges & Universities:
Grant credit for prior learning across EC-Council exams to recruit and support post-traditional students.
In May of 2018, EC-Council launched the EC-Council Academic Partner Program. This program offers a no-obligation partnership model where Secondary and Post-Secondary institutions can register and receive immediate benefits which include the following:
- Automatic Exam Eligibility for students that purchase any full Academia Series
- Discounted Learning Resources
- Faculty certification scholarships
- Complimentary evaluation resources for any faculty member
- Discounted exam vouchers for any college university faculty member
- Free Tickets to Hacker Halted USA
We are extremely excited about the recent ACE approval across 5 of our certifications. Aligning EC-Council certifications with ACE was always a goal of ours as we work towards expanding opportunities for students and professionals to receive credit for prior learning within post-secondary environments. We will also soon launch badges through Credly to reward certified members, linking their ACE transcript to their badge and offering a number of other advantages. This is very timely in the midst of many credits and non-credit accelerated workforce tracks and programs focusing on retooling and skilling across these Cybersecurity domains.
– Wesley Alvarez, Director of Academics, EC-Council
Along with earning ACE recommendations, EC-Council is also accredited by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), CREST, American National Standards Institute (ANSI), National Cyber Security Centre – Certified Training, and more. For more information on EC-Council Academia Partnership, please contact [email protected].
About ACE Recommendations
ACE recommends postsecondary academic credit equivalencies based on faculty expertise. Academic recommendations include a number of semester hours, level, and subject area, which vary based on the experience reviewed. In incompetency reviews, faculty also validate the skills and competencies that students are expected to master in order to pass the course or exam.
Experiences evaluated by ACE’s Learning Evaluations (formerly CREDIT®) are re-reviewed every three years to ensure that the recommendations remain aligned with current academic expectations in a given discipline.
About EC-Council
International Council of E-Commerce Consultants, also known as EC-Council, is the world’s largest cybersecurity technical certification body. Operating in over 145 countries globally, EC-Council is the owner and developer of the world-famous Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), Computer Hacking Forensics Investigator (C|HFI), Certified Security Analyst (ECSA), Licensed Penetration Testing (Practical) programs, among many others. EC-Council is proud to have trained and certified over 200,000 information security professionals globally that have influenced the cybersecurity mindset of countless organizations worldwide. For more information, visit eccouncil.org.