Chocolate And Headache
Researchers believe that chocolate in adequate quantities is very beneficial for health. Scientist monitored data in Britain of almost 21,000 people who responded to the questionnaires, and they also had their health observed for more than 11 years.
In general, an average person consumed an amount of 7 grams which was about (0.25 ounces). The survey ranged from none to 100 grams. The top fifth of the chocolate consumers was 12% less likely to develop any heart diseases and 23% less likely to suffer from a heart stroke compared to the bottom fifth consumers. In the British journal heart, most confectionery consumers ate milk chocolate but not as dark as it has a higher percentage of flavonoids.
Although the study could not determine cause and effect because it was observational, participants who consumed chocolate had less cardiovascular problems than the none consumers who also ate healthily but, little chocolate. The term also did a review converting 1, 30,000 people in total and said that they had also found a similar association with regular chocolate consumers.
Evidence suggests the higher the chocolate consumption, the lesser the chance of heart disease. However, a conclusion cannot be drawn merely from the study said nutritionist Pite Salpetriere hospital in Paris.
In response to the study Tim Chico, a cardiologist from the University of Sheffield in north England claims that he would not advise intake of chocolate if his patients were overweight.