Cyberthreat Facing Financial Institutions Is Greater Today,Tanka Raj Aryal
Privacy and data protection of Nepalese Legal Perspective is explained by the advocate Tanka Raj Aryal. He is also one of the executive directors of CCRI-Nepal. He shared his ideas on privacy and the internet through this IT Conference. He explained not only on how to keep privacy secure and scopes of privacy but also on what ICT mean and what the privacy issues are.
The new technological device called Drone is explained with the collaboration of Mr. Umesh Shrestha and Mr. Rishikesh Dahal; both of them are experts on Digital Media. Drone is created by 3DR, is the only drone that can automatically control both copter and camera positioning in flight. It is used for military purpose and is controlled by the remote controller through radio frequency and GPS (various satellites). The angle of the drone is controlled by the mobile application.
On the end of their presentation, they mentioned that ill-intention is dangerous than the drone. On the end of today program, there is a panel discussion on” Cyber Attacks in Financial Infrastructure: How Prepared We Are,” among the Moderator like Mr. Kuvera Chalise one of the Bureau Chief, Financial Bureau and Nagarik National Daily with the many panelists and representative from Nepal Rastra Bank are conducted. As a comment, they decided to bring these issues as a government concern and applied very soon to solve the challenges facing cyber attacks in financial infrastructure.