Digital Signature For Schools And Universities
April 25, 2016 a short meet held at Nepal Certifying Company (NCC) premise with Ace Television’s news presenter Ms. Rashmi Tiwari with NCC about the changes and benefits that Digital Signature & Certificate brings to this modern working style.
Mr. Chiranjibi Adhikari, Operation Manager of NCC said, “If you really think of saving time and money of your organization, you don’t need to worry about changing the way you work, you can sign securely right on your computer without losing your confidential work”.
Presenter of Ace Television Ms. Rashmi Tiwari said, “DSC is a very good concept, I was expecting this service would have implemented earlier as we have been hearing about its advantages in this digital world. I hope DSC gets familiar with college students too because they have been learning about this in their course.”