Digital Trade To Come In Operation After Issuing National Identity- Finance Minister
Finance Minister Dr. Yubraj Khatiwada informed, only after issuing national identity the digital trade will come in an emergency. The work of national identity is going on; similarly, the government is also planning for the infrastructure needed to run digital trade, added Kahtiwada.
During the press conference organized in Ministry of Finance, Khatiwada said “government had already started collecting its revenue from digital medium but to extend it throughout the country all the requirements will be fulfilled within one year.
Though the government has already started collecting revenue from online, the public is still deprived of its access.
Within this fiscal year, national identity will come into effect.
Government is giving their best to complete all the legal procedure as soon as possible, informed Khatiwada. We need to provide banking service in all the local level, append required machinery and other essential things, added minister.
After the accomplishment of these works, digital trade will be convenient for everyone. There will be no trouble while paying tax and registering companies.
To attract domestic and foreign investment, amendments to the laws related to industry, finance, and business is going on. He also added the Industrial Trade Act, Foreign exchange act and foreign investment act are being revised.