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eSewa Disappeared From Google Play Store Nothing With Security flaws

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2nd October 2022, Kathmandu

The eSewa app has disappeared from Play Store since 5 pm on Friday. When the app of Nepal’s biggest digital payment service provider disappeared from the Play Store, it focused the attention of many. However, this is not such a big problem.

Earlier, apps like Khalti, and IME Pay were also removed from the Google Play Store and returned to the Play Store. However, there have been reports that the app has been removed from the Play Store due to security flaws in the market. Also, there have been talks on social media about the app being unsafe for a transaction.

However, a company representative said the app was not removed from the Play Store due to security flaws. “We are constantly talking to the Google team,” said the representative, “There is no problem with the app part.” It has been said that the eSewa has been removed from the Play Store due to security reasons in the market. That is completely wrong.

He said earlier, ‘Users can safely use the eSewa app on their mobile phones. You can also download the app by going to the website of eSewa. The current problem is that the eSewa app is not fully checked by Google. After submitting any app to Play Store, Google checks it. During such examination, it was said that one of his policies was violated.

“We were showing them that there was no violation of any of its policies and we were guiding them for necessary checks. However, the app was suddenly removed from the Play Store on Friday evening”, adds the spokesperson.

Along with that, the representative said that all necessary documents have been provided to Google. ‘Google is reviewing the document we provided. “Maybe soon the app will be available on Play Store,” he said.

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