Facebook Launches New Life Stage App For Teens
Perhaps there is hard to find a single person who is unfamiliar with the social media called Facebook. Day by day as competition increases on Social Media like facebook, twitter, Instagram, etc., Facebook has also applied its strategies to uplift its users and make it more secure and compatible among different age group people. Now, it has launched the Lifestage app for school teens.
To be a member of it, you have to be the user of Apple devices and this service is limited only in the US for today’s date. And maybe after some days, we may also get a chance to use this Lifestage app since it is in progress to launch in different countries.
Through it, you can upload pictures and videos based on feelings, likes, and dislikes. And these are finally turned into your video profiles. Further, all posts will be transferred to the public, and there is no option to restrict viewing.
The primary purpose of this app is to connect members of the same school. And the school members can view each other’s profiles once the individual’s school has registered 20 members or more. One important thing is that to run or use this app; student must be of above age 21. Besides, it could not give you a guarantee that all users will be genuine. So be aware of it.
Although it has no messaging functionality, but users can display contact details through a snapshot, snap chat, and Instagram.
The exciting thing is that it has been designed by Facebook Product Manager Michael Sayman of age 19. And he told that the app was based around the original social network Media of early days. So it is easy to use, but the user has to be very much confidential on posting any videos.