HackClashNepal Organize and Discover Hackathons
The idea of ‘HackClash-Nepal’ initially started a conversation with Ashok Tamang (Howard University, DC and Google intern), Saurav Keshari Aryal (Howard University, DC and Google intern) and Bikalpa Neupane (currently at Penn State, BYU Alum and ex-Microsoft/
For the event, we will have mentors from inside and outside Nepal (mostly via remote tools) to answer any questions that participants may have. Our mentors (mostly Nepali) have worked at different organizations such as Microsoft – USA, Amazon, Google- USA, Overstock, Ancestry, Twitter, Facebook, Oracle, TATA, Investment firms in New York, VISA, Groupon and representing world-class institutions such as Penn State, Purdue, Georgia Tech, Stanford, UC Berkeley, Brigham Young University, UIUC, MIT, Harvard, ETH Zurich, EPFL Lausanne, Dartmouth, Eindhoven, UW Madison, UW Seattle and many more.
What is a hackathon?
A hackathon is an event where young entrepreneurs from any background (IT, CS, Business, Agriculture/Vet, Law, Natural Sciences, Sociology, and Arts, etc.) team up to turn ideas into real tech products throughout 24-36 hours. If you have experience with coding and programming that will be helpful. If not, you can always participate in other roles such as idea generation, project management, etc.
Hackathon like this has been done before, and the results have been phenomenal. However, all of the previous events in Nepal have been a failure in providing students with the freedom and free resources needed to explore their full creative and innovative potential. These obstacles include:
a. Bring your internet: Internet in Nepal is sold by the MegaByte, and students are not able to afford this. We need your donation to solve this.
b. Themed-Events only: Although the introduction of theme-based hackathons helps target problems in a specific field, we believe this stifles true innovativeness and prevents the students from solving problems they are most passionate about. So our event is an open theme event.
c. No New Technologies: Students in Nepal are yet to be exposed to new technologies at these events. With our experience of over 15 hackathons and professional work experience, we will be able to help/guide students with multiple techniques. We are already planning a workshop on Ionic cross-platform development, User experience research, Releasing codes to the millions of users, and have more to follow.
d. Lack of interdisciplinary efforts: We want students to think beyond mainstream CS and IT disciplines and examine an issue from multiple perspectives, leading to a systematic attempt to integrate the alternative aspects into a unified or coherent framework of analysis. Irrespective of the background and degree type, please ask others to register for the event, come up with a business idea and they will find passionate developers waiting to translate their ideas into a product.
When? How long?
The event will be held from 11 am, Jan 2, Saturday – 11 am, Jan 3, Sunday. The duration of the hackathon will be just under 24 hours. The length is shorter than the conventional 36 hours as official holidays in Nepal are only on Saturdays.
Who are the participants?
Anyone interested, Any degrees, Any degree levels -as easy as that! No rules although genuine interests in startups, IT markets, CS education is helpful if participants have prior experience in programming, web design, app development, user research, HCI, business analysis, anything related to hardware, security- that will be super helpful.
Team or Solo?
We encourage a team of 2 – 5 people. If you are a developer, you can also participate as a solo person, and we will try to pair you up with someone.
I am an MBBS student. Can I participate?
We are aware that ideas come from people with a different mindset and diverse disciplines. If you have an idea register for the event and we will try to match you with the right developer.
How many can participate?
We have received a lot of interests in the program. Only ~60 people will be selected based on their demonstrated skills and passion. So please fill registration form seriously.
What after the event?
Our goal is to take your ideas to the next level from an investment standpoint and to national/international exposure in a matter of months. We have been working diligently to get our conversation going for post-event related activities and investment options.
What is FREE?
No registration fee
– Unlike other hackathons in Nepal, we won’t charge any registration fees. However, we will have donation boxes outside the event hall if you would like to donate (optional). 100% of the collected amount will go to earthquake impacted briddhasram committees.
Free food
– We will start with light refreshments around 11 am, followed by 5-7 course Nepali lunch around 3 pm; sandwich, samosa, and other stuff for dinner around 9 pm; unlimited fries and snacks with hot and cold drinks after 1 am night; and a good breakfast on Sunday at 7 am. If you need to leave early around, 9 am for work or school on Sunday, that may be possible.
Free Shuttle service
– We will provide two round-trip Shuttle trips from Tinkune to the venue.
Travel Reimbursement (plan in progress, not finalized yet)
– We will reimburse travel cost from your home to the venue ( NRs 50 per participant) assuming you stay entire event. This is a plan and not guaranteed at this point.
Free Internet
– We will provide free internet service to all the participants.
Prizes and Swags
– We are working on it. Rewards will most likely happen, but our goal is not to limit your ideas and prototypes to awards. We will develop a long term vision with your idea/product and take it to a whole new level. Think BIG.
What do I need to bring?
-Your device (iPhones, Androids, Windows Phones, Chargers, Laptops, Power Banks)
– Bring speakers and DJ music systems/mics if you have any. We are here to code all night and have fun.
-Dress warm and bring blankets for a quick power nap in cold winter
-Come with a great mind and a great attitude
-Portable heaters if you have any
Who can/can not enter?
Everything is planned strictly per person including food and internet. We will email only selected applicants by Dec 31, 2015 midnight. We will have entry and exit ticket systems and coupons for the food. So, do NOT bring guests and friends if they were not selected. We hate to disappoint them.
What can I make?
Anything in any language (.NET, PHP, Javascript, Java, Ruby, C/C++, WordPress, etc.). Some examples include Mobile apps (in any platforms), websites, web apps, plugins, software tools, graphic designs, electronic equipment, and hardware stuff, etc.
Registration link. No entry allowed without registration
Registration deadline: Dec 31 Midnight, NPT (technically). But we will continue to take applications until we have open seats.
They realized that they planned this event at the last minute, but they wanted to do it anyway. Please spread out the word, invite your friends, reach out to your colleges and send us feedback if you have any. Use the email [email protected]