Importance Of Computers In Fashion Design, Khusbu Wagle
Tell us yourself
Hello, I am Khusbu Wagle. I am 20 years young lady dwelling in Ratnanagar 11, Jamunapur.
I completed my SLC from Ekata Sishu Niketan and my +2 study from QMC college. I am now reading the course of fashion designing. I am planning to read travel and tourism but I found Fashion Designing course is so helpful and good scope for the girls. So, I choose this field, unlike Travel and tourism.
I completed my SLC from Ekata Sishu Niketan and my +2 study from QMC college. I am now reading the course of fashion designing. I am planning to read travel and tourism but I found Fashion Designing course is so helpful and good scope for the girls. So, I choose this field, unlike Travel and tourism.
What are your interests?
Mostly I like to design clothes. As I am a student at designing, I want to buy clothes and make some beautiful designs on it. Besides developing I want to dance and act as a model. I am fond of playing too. I like to play Cricket and Football with my brothers. I also like to visit new places and search for new beautiful designs and try to make the same from my side.
Which search engine should you be using today?
I use only Google, it’s easy and lightweight for me. As I need help with some of the things, Google gives me best websites for my search and even sends me to others, such as Yahoo, because Yahoo Answers has answers.
Will you please share us your habit on the use of social media?
Social media is not all bad. If you think you’re spending too much time using it, however, you need to take an honest self-assessment. I like how I can connect with friends all over the world easily through social media. I don’t like it when I feel the need to check several times a day or when participating in social media takes me away from people near me, like my family. Making a list of pros and cons, perhaps by each app you use, will help you identify which apps aren’t worth the time you spend using them. If you are unable to make an objective assessment, ask a trusted friend or spouse for their input as well.
Do you have anything to share through ICT Frame?
Information and communication technology (ICT) can enhance knowledge sharing by lowering temporal and spatial barriers between knowledge workers and improving access to information about knowledge. Looking at ICT for knowledge sharing in this light, however, has limited value, because it ignores when and how the quality of knowledge sharing will be enhanced. A more encompassing perspective will come about if ICT is studied with relation to the motivation for knowledge sharing.
The article explores this perspective by developing a theoretical model identifying and linking the variables involved. By presenting the outcomes of an empirical investigation, it also illustrates the differential effects of ICT on the motivation for knowledge sharing in different settings. I would also like to tell other to use the communication technology more wisely.
The article explores this perspective by developing a theoretical model identifying and linking the variables involved. By presenting the outcomes of an empirical investigation, it also illustrates the differential effects of ICT on the motivation for knowledge sharing in different settings. I would also like to tell other to use the communication technology more wisely.
What is the use of the computer in fashion designing?
Over the decade’s computers and fashion have developed gradually, changed with time, taste and trend. But nobody knew that a time would come when both these fields will complement each other so well. Today fashion design has reached new heights by computer aided methods of design. As a result of which, the computer industry has got its new customer. Computer technology is making waves in the fashion design zone. From determining textile weaves to sizing designs; computers are a vital component of the fashion industry. Computer-aided design (CAD) programs reduce the demand for manual sketches. New software programs continue to replace old manual skills. Going by the wayside are “old fashioned” flat pattern construction, pencil sketching and traditional math-based pattern sizing. Those who lag in math and faster at sketching can now breathe a little easier.
What is the role of ICT in learning fashion designing?
Although most designers initially sketch designs by hand, a growing number also translate these hand sketches to the computer. CAD{Computer Aided Design} allows designers to view designs of clothing on virtual models and in various colors and shapes, thus saving time by requiring fewer adjustments of prototypes and samples later. Most fashion design colleges, however, still teach traditional design methods, including manual flat pattern construction, draping, and line drawing. No doubt that learning of these methods is essential for having a good idea about fashion design but Cutting-edge education also focuses on computer-aided methods of design.
The software can help students draw, create woven textures, drape models to develop patterns, adjust sizes and even determine fabric colors. Introducing this technological aspect will enable students to understand a lot better and try various combinations in their design. This also cuts down the time factor, i.e., by use of CAD methods students can learn a lot faster and more software in less time but Fashion Design is not an easy profession.