International Girls in ICT Day ‘Digital Skills for Life’ #GirlsinICT
27th April 2023, Kathmandu
On the occasion of International Girls in ICT Day 2023 with the theme of Digital Skills for Life, CAN Federation announces a four-day training program for girls/women in association with Nepal Telecom. Please register here: Click Here
International Girls in ICT Day is now a global movement, with ITU partners and other organizations conducting their own events and celebrations on Girls in ICT Day and throughout the year.
This year and every year, ITU and its partners work together to inspire and encourage girls to pursue a future in ICTs towards bridging the gender digital divide. The aim is to encourage young women and girls to pursue their studies and careers in science, engineering, technology, mathematics, and other fields and help them achieve their dreams.
This year, the theme of Girls in ICT Day is ‘Digital Skills for Life’. The global Girls in ICT event will be celebrated on 27 April in Zimbabwe as part of the Transform Africa Summit 2023, in coordination and collaboration with the Postal and Telecommunication Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (POTRAZ) and Smart Africa.