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Is It Possible For Fuel-Powered Vehicles in Nepal?

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5th April 2022, Kathmandu

The Nepalese Government Intends To Make It Possible For Fuel-Powered Vehicles To Be Converted To Electric Vehicles

Exemption Notice from the Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport

The government has decided to allow the conversion of petrol and diesel automobiles to electric or alternative fuel vehicles. An official notice from the Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport was published in the National Gazette. With a three-year exemption, the special provision permits fuel systems to be converted into environmentally friendly or energy-efficient alternatives.

With reference to The Transport Management Act, 2049 government has provided that no changes other than spare parts should be made in the vehicle without the authorization of the government.

Article 39(1) of the Transport Management Act, 2049 states “The  owner of a motor  vehicle  owner shall  not make any such alteration  in  the motor  vehicle as to change its color, number of seats, structure, engine or chassis, without obtaining approval of the competent authority.“

Article 39(2) of the Transport Management Act, 2049 “If a request is made  for approval to make an alteration  pursuant  to Sub-section  (1),  the  competent  authority  shall  make  necessary  inquiry  into the  matter,  and  may if  it  thinks  appropriate  to  give  approval  for  such  an alteration, give such an approval.” After getting the approval, there was a provision to charge an additional 50% of the motor vehicle registration as a chargeable fee. However, the governing bodies have decided to exempt Article 39 (II), including the extra chargeable fees. Moreover, the exemption will be valid for 3 years.

To summarize, the government expects that this will promote the conversion of petrol and diesel automobiles to electric or other gas-powered vehicles. You will need appropriate permission to conduct such a conversion, but the extra charges have been waived.

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