Is It Really Worth Your Time To Donate An Old Computer?
Youth Club of Sofwarica would like to request all our friends to join this initiative by donating some of their old and valuable computers, books, etc. Those precious showpieces can be someone’s future. Donate unneeded IT equipment to a good cause.
Youth is of high power. The appropriate deployment of this power to develop the society is one of the remarkable things. It is founded in 2011 by the students of Softwarica. This is where we students meet, participate and try to bring change in the society.
The primary objective of this club is to spread IT knowledge in every part of our country. So we have started with small campaigns like computer donations, old books, and stationery donations.
If any of Softwarica Students are interested in such participation, Youth Club of Sofwarica would like you to contact Softwarica College, Dillibazar, Kathmandu. Youth Club of Sofwarica will receive your donations with great acknowledgment.
This is to notify all the Softwaricans that Youth Club of Softwarica will be taking new members as few existing members will be graduating soon. So, interested students are requested to submit their names. All the interested students may submit their name by emailing us at [email protected]