MakerKT’s Changaa Party Is Going To Be Held At Rato Bangala
On 8th October 2016 MakerKT’s Changaa Party is going to be held at Rato Bangala School from 12:00 to 17:00, so get for this upcoming event. This program is primarily for girls and women to be there at the right time and is free of cost.
This would be an excellent chance for you to learn flying a kite along with interact with other ladies and share your ideas. So it is one of the fantastic and entertaining programs ever conducted only for women. The Venue is ideally situated in a significant cause above Rato Bangala’s Kamal Mani Theatre, right behind Patan. Here you are free to fly your kite without fear of someone cutting off your kite. Besides, you may also bring your changa and favorite lattai, your choice of sun protection (sunglasses/ hats/ sunscreen), some food and soft drinks to share and friends to share them with! So let’s rock ladies this time at MakerKT’s changaa Party.