Multi Stakeholder Policy Dialogue On Post Earthquake Management
Multi-Stakeholder Policy Dialogue on Post-Earthquake Management
We are aware that many NGOs were involved in relief works aftermath of the devastating earthquake on 25 April 2015. Now they have been working for rehabilitation, recovery, and reconstruction works in affected districts. NGO Federation of Nepal (NFN) is playing a coordination role at the national and local level.
It has been almost eleven months after the earthquake and National Reconstruction Authority office has started to work in the districts. Indeed, we highly appreciate the cooperation of donor countries and international agencies for continuing their support to the state.
It has been come to know that the NRA has been drafting an NGO Mobilization Procedure to manage the works of NGOs for post-earthquake recovery and reconstruction. In this context, is an umbrella organization of national NGOs, NFN is organizing a National Level Multi-Stakeholder Policy Dialogue on Post-Earthquake Management in Kathmandu. This programme aims to review the efforts and initiatives of the NGOs and give the suggestions to the NRA on the draft procedure.
For your kind information, the NGO Federation of Nepal has enclosed a concept note and tentative program schedule.