National ICT Day Weekly Program Schedule Announced
Kathmandu, April 30, 2020
Nationa ICT Day 2020 is celebrating for the third time in Nepal officially on 2nd May 2020. The main objective of the event was to empower and encourage all stakeholders in the field of ICT. “Nationa ICT Day” is an opportunity to introduce Nepal to ICT as a growing career option.
The ICT Day Webinar was held in Nepal organized by the CAN Federation Initiative in collaboration with its Province level and District level chapters. The motive of the webinar was to promote awareness on the use of Information Technology.
2nd My 2020 (Go Digital – Go Cashless)
4th May 2020 (Topic: Go Digital, Go Learning)
6th May (Go Digital – Work Online)
8th May (Go Digital – Stay Secure)
10th May (Go Digital – e-health)
Webinar Details:
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Webinar ID: 915 3095 0214
International numbers available: