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NBI Has Announced A One Day Cyber Security Conference

Cyber Security Conference Nepal

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In the recent past, cyber-related incidents encountered in the Nepalese banking landscape has hit the newspaper headlines. These days, such cases are being exposed to increasing number globally. This trend signifies a very alarming and precarious situation that the whole banking and finance industry is facing. With this situation, banks and financial institutions are bound to be exposed to increased operational risk.

National Banking Institute Ltd. (NBI) are deeply concerned and feel that it requires concerted efforts from the industry as a whole to develop the mitigating measures in order to safeguard the whole system. Keeping this in view, NBI has announced a one-day Cyber Security Conference.

They will have presentations by International and National level industry experts on Cyber Security followed by a panel discussion. This is one of the rare programs of its kind being held in Nepal. They highly recommend this program to all the remittance companies.

Download the Cyber Security Conference Brochure Click HereCyber Security Conference

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