Nepal Certifying Company Urged To Promote Digital Nepal
Nepal Government has officially approved the certifying authority according to current rules and regulation, for the issue of Digital signature to the all Governmental organization of Nepal. The digital mediums are widely used in a government office for fast and reliable communication. For the proper security and legal aspect digital signature is very useful.
As per the decision of Nepal government in 2073-02-02, Nepal Certifying Company has been managing the Digital Signature and Certificate (DSC) issued by Radiant Info Tech Nepal Pvt. Ltd., the Issuing Certifying Authority (CA) in Nepal. It has been working to implement Digital Signature and Certificate (DSC) all over the country and help for replacing papered activities and promoting Digital Nepal.
Nepal government has appointed the certifying authority for all governmental power, organization and other regulatory bodies. Nepal government has promoted all the organization bodies for implementation of digital infrastructure with PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) enabled, which is mandatory for the application of Digital Signature.
As per the government approval, Nepal Certifying company manage all the digital signature and its related services to it to the governmental organization.
This step may be one of the best measures for the development of digital Nepal. We all appreciate and thanks to Nepal Government for the implementation of Digital Signature to simplify the daily activities using digital medium and maintain proper communication with security.