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Nepal Telecom Announced an ‘Election Offer’ 2079

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10th May 2022, Kathmandu

On the occasion of the municipal elections, Nepal Telecom has announced an ‘Election Offer’ of 6 GB of Data for Rs.98 and More

Nepal Telecom (NTC) has offered an appealing offer aimed at providing the connection for the next local elections. Customers may choose between a voice pack, SMS, or data for Rs.98 with this deal. Find out more.

The promotion is valid from Baisakh 25 to Jestha 4. On Baisakh 30, Nepalese will vote in municipal elections.

The deal includes phone packs, SMS, and data at Rs.98 each. Also, keep in mind that all of the packs in this deal are only good for three days.

Description Voice Minutes Validity Price (Inclusive of TSC and VAT) Nrs.
200 Min (All Net) Voice Pack 200 3 Day 98
Description SMS Validity Price (Inclusive of TSC and VAT) Nrs.
300 (All Net) SMS Pack 300 3 Day 98
Description Data (GB) Validity Price (Inclusive of TSC and VAT) Nrs.
6 GB Data 6 3 Day 98


You can dial *1415*11# to activate the offer, or you cal also use the NT Mobile app to enjoy an offer. The operator has already started election CRBT to encourage mass participation in the election.

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