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Nepal Telecommunications Authority To Celebrate WTISD Day 2021


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16th May 2021, Kathmandu

Nepal Telecommunications Authority is all set to host World Telecommunication & Information Society Day (WTISD) special program on “Accelerating Digital Transformation of Nepal in challenging times” this Monday, May 17th, 2021  (Jestha 03, 2078), from 11:30 AM onwards (NPT) via Zoom.


Program Details :

Topic: Celebrating WTISD Day 2021 |  “Accelerating Digital Transformation of Nepal in challenging times”

Event Organizer: Nepal Telecommunication Authority (NTA)

Date:  17th May 2021, Monday  | जेष्ठ ३,  २०७८, सोमबार

Time: 11:30 AM onwards (NPT) | Zoom Room opens at 11:15 AM


Zoom Meeting ID: 997 3833 3795

Zoom Passcode: NTA

World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD) is an international day celebrated to raise awareness of the possibilities that the use of the Internet and other information and communication technologies (ICT) can bring to societies and economies and of ways to bridge the digital divide. For Nepal Telecommunications Authority (NTA), an autonomous telecommunications regulatory body in Nepal and member of the ITU, WTISD 2021 marks an important day to reflect and continue to push for digital transformation by promoting national strategies on ICT development, smart policies to encourage investments, cooperation, and partnership.

Insync with the theme of the WTISD 2021, NTA plans to celebrate the WTISD 2021 in Nepal with a virtual event the theme “Accelerating Digital Transformation of Nepal in challenging times”, to facilitate knowledge sharing and policy dialogue to highlight the critical role of information and communication technologies (ICTs) for the continued functioning of societies. It attempts to bring the champions and authorities leading the digital transformation of Nepal and engage with them in stepping up the activities that are proven essential in saving lives, sustaining economies, and accelerating the digital transformation in the challenging times of COVID-19 in Nepal and elsewhere.

Download the Program Schedule: WTIS Day Program

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