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Nepal’s First Satellite launched into Space named the “GARUDA”

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22 March 2021, Kathmandu

Rocket Made From Nepali Equipment Has Examined

Nepalese university students participated in the spaceport America cup by developing a sounding rocket. Nepal performed its first rocket launch test in history. The rocket was named the “GARUDA” rocket.

GARUDA is the first sounding rocket designed by ORRAS -Nepal team.GARUDA is a 90-inch tall solid-sounding rocket. The mission apogee is 3 km from the ground level.

GARUDA was launched in the prestigious event is spaceport America premises, New Mexico, USA. The static fire was tested successfully at Kathmandu university a few times ago.

The rocket was tested yesterday by a team of students. The rocket couldn’t perform as expected due to technical problems but it was really a good and great try for developing countries like Nepal. The team will be trying again in months next time.

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