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NIC Asia Capital Website Defaced?

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26th August 2020, Kathmandu

NIC Asia Capital’s website (URL) is under maintenance as we are preparing this story.

There’s a possibility that the site was defaced by a Japanese hacker (or group of hackers) as evident by the search result on Google.

As you can see, some unusual texts appear in the meta tags (title and description) for the site’s search result.

When clicked on Translate this page, it tries to translate the site from Japanese to English.

The first result redirects to NIC Asia Capital’s website but the site is under maintenance.

When we tried to access the link from the snippet, it prompted a 404 error.

Unfortunately, we don’t have a snapshot of the website when it was defaced.

We guess the team was quick to respond to the vandalism and possible threat.

Here’s a snapshot of the website from August 24, 2020:

We will make sure to let you know of the issue as soon as we have some more information.

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