NTA Launched Online Child Safety Guidelines 2076
20 January 2020, Kathmandu
Nepal Telecommunications Authority Launched Guidelines for Parents, Guardians, and Educators on Child Online Protection. These guidelines are geared toward helping these adults manage the risks of the Internet and connectivity. The democracy in the digital media landscape is functional, but does it work favorably for all audiences?
As parents, the primary job is to protect their children. These days, protection includes not only the individuals they can see but also the individuals that they cannot see yet who wish to harm their children. and with the rise of social networking and social media, parents are often unaware of their child’s interactions on the internet. Protecting Your Children through Online, What You Need to Know About Online Threats to Your Children introduces the crimes that can occur in cyberspace, as well as procedures for reporting and obtaining assistance in the event of victimization.
A definite must-have for parents who want to be proactive in protecting their child in cyberspace and protect them from victimization.
Download Nepal’s Online Child Safety Guidelines 2076: Click Here