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Palm System Started at the Land Revenue Office in Nepal

Department of Land Reform Nepal
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31 January 2021, Kathmandu

Palm system started at the Land Revenue Office, landowners themselves can fill the form online

The Department of Land Management and Records has developed and implemented the Public Axis Model (PAM) system. The system has implemented by the department. With the objective of making the land administration related service based on IT by changing it with the passage of time.

In the past, the department has developed and implemented land records information management system. And records management system in the Land Reform Land Revenue Offices.

Similarly, the department will enable the public Axis model service recipients to perform land administration work through the internet. The department has said that the land service center has been operated and managed. By developing the palm system as per the provision of Rule 23A (2) of the Land Revenue Rules, 2036 BS.

So far, Land Reform / Land Revenue Offices have been implemented in 18 offices. Including Dilli Bazaar, Lagankhel, Bhaktapur, Kalanki, Manmaiju, Tokha, Chawhil, Sankhu, Pokhara, Lekhnath (Kaski), Putli Bazaar (Syangja), Butwal, Panchthar Parbat, Dhading, Chitwan, Kavrepalanchok, and Ilam. Director-General of the Department Shesh Narayan Poudel said that the service has been expanded at some local levels.

In the second phase. He said there is a plan to implement the PAM system in 90 other Land Reform / Land Revenue Offices throughout the country within the current fiscal year.

The department has requested to invite online application from interested individuals and organizations. By publishing the information within a month after completing the necessary preparations with the departmental approval to join the system.

The department has said that after the published information, the concerned persons/organizations should submit online applications through

The landlord can fill the form himself

According to the department, using the Public Axis Model System, landowners themselves will be able to fill up applications and forms online using the One Time Passport (OTP).

In the past, there was a lot of hassle in doing business through accounting business. However, by using this system, the user can fill the form himself without any hassle, said Gurudatta Subedi, spokesperson of the department. He also said that the implementation of this system will displace accountancy.

Such are provided for the user

In order to use the PAM system, the user has to pay a fee of Rs 500 to the concerned officials to open a user account. In addition, users will have to renew by paying Rs 100 every 10 years.

Similarly, the person wishing to get the permission of the land service center will have to pay 3,000 fees. And have to keep a 50,000 deposit/bank guarantee.

Similarly, institutions seeking permission from land service centers, banks and financial institutions, cooperatives, employee provident funds, and other bodies will have to pay Rs 5,000. In which two lakh deposit/bank guarantee will have to be kept.

Users will be required to obtain permission within each financial year by submitting an online application to the Land Revenue Office. In addition, after obtaining permission from the head office. Users will be able to distribute it to their respective branch offices as required.

No fee or deposit will be required for the local level to get permission to operate land services. However, the operating permit will have to be renewed every year.

Eligibility for individuals, organizations, and businesses looking to operate land services

The department requires various qualifications and physical infrastructure. For the operation of land service centers with individuals, institutions, banks and financial institutions, cooperatives, local level, employees’ provident fund, and citizen investment fund besides operating OTP users. Has been stated.

The department needs equipment such as computers, printers, power backup systems, scanners, biometric devices compatible with geo-information systems, web cameras, and signature machines. And there should be at least 5/5 Mbps internet connectivity.

The person who wants to run a land service center must have completed 18 years of age as a Nepali citizen.

In addition, you should have passed Plus 2 in Computer subject or have at least 6 months training in Computer with a similar qualification in other subjects.

Similarly, in accordance with the prevailing law, a permanent account number should have been obtained, the court should not have been found guilty of any criminal offense or deed related to the deed and there should be prescribed physical infrastructure.

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