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PBS IT Career Conclave Starting Soon

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5 January 2021, Kathmandu

The continuous development of information and communication technology is changing our education, lifestyle, and culture. Information technology is becoming indispensable in education and career now. The recent corona panic in the world is bringing us very closer to technology. Along with COVID-19, the use and utilization of information technology in Nepal is undergoing extensive changes.

What will our future be in the next 10 years due to IT? How do we move forward with today’s emerging technology? What is the state of our innovation and technological entrepreneurship? PBS IT Career Conclave will be held this Saturday and Sunday jointly organized by the Business School and Living with ICT to tackle down the same issues. There will be more than 20 experts and scholars for the two-day conclave, which will be held on the 25th and 26th of Poush, i.e., on January 9 and 10.

The program will run for 2 days and will run in 5 different sessions. On the first day of the program, i.e., on December 10, the first session on Emerging Technology in IT Industry will be conducted from 11 am to 12 noon. On the same day, the second session on Innovation and Technological Entrepreneurship will be conducted from 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm. From 2 pm to 3 pm, a Q&A session on IT career prospects will also be conducted that day.

Similarly, on the next day of the program, the first session will be on “Connecting Talent with Global Opportunity” from 11 am to 12 noon. Similarly, the final session on “IT Growth in Nepal Next Ten Years” will be conducted on the same day from 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm; numerous experts will also be present in the program as note speakers.

Paras Dotel discussed the press release and informed about various panel discussion session. Similarly, Executive Director Laxman K.C. addressed the media about how students and participants will benefit from it. He further added about the American IT degree provided by Presidential Business School.

The program to be organized in the premises of the Presidential Business School will be broadcasted live on various online and social media. Guests and Journalists will be able to attend the event in person, while other participants will participate via Zoom. Some international speakers will participate in panel discussions through virtual media. The program is also believed to be important for IT stakeholders, students, and teachers looking to pursue an IT career.

The Presidential Business School is a college that has been pursuing an American business degree for the past decade. For the first time in Nepal, an IT degree based on an American university is being offered in Bachelor and Masters from January 2020. The college, which emphasizes practical and timely education, has also been organizing various seminars and conferences. An innovation center has also been developed in the college.

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