Puset Club Of Robbotics And Technology Leads Yadab
In the journey of Working in the sector of robotics and technology, PCRT has organized and participated in different events. Now PCRT is handover to the new technical committee RELOADED with new plans and events proposal.
What I found better is the team potential, working hands, and supportive college environment. The changes which were made to the previous team structure was the group of Research and Development committee and is continued this time with the addition of the advisor team from different sectors where PCRT can face the problem.
Dilip Singh has been involved here in PCRT since 4th semester along with the team members Shrawan Yadav, Ishwar Pal, Omprakash Yadav, Manish Niraula, Arun Mandal, Mukesh Dhungana, Pradip Pandit and some more during the preparation of “Yantra 2.0” National robotics competition organized by Robotics Association of Nepal-RAN and karkhana.
The club continued its journey with participation in “Yantra 2.1East” purbanchal robotics competition organized by Biratnagar Club of Robotics and Technology-BCRT and RAN, in association with CAN Morang. Along with this Nepal army steps to uplift technology here in Nepal, they organize the Military Science and Technology Competition MSTC. The students from PUSET Shristi Sinha, Omprakash Yadav And Nabin Shrestha have participated in this event.
Yantra series continued with the participation in YANTRA 3.0 by our talented brothers Yadav Dhakal, Jiwan Shrestha, Sagar Bahadur Tamang, and Sawan Chaudhary. It was a glorious event where PCRT stood in the first position in the main event “Bridge to Lanka.” Dilip Singh along with the participant can feel the echo named PUSET, PUSET.
They worked round the clock 24/7 when informed to participate in International Robotics challenge – IRC, Tech Fest IIT Mumbai with the additional member Nabin Dahal along with the winner Group.
Thus, Yantra Series knocking with the version Yantra 4.0
Saying something about the internal Workshop and competition. A series of the workshop was organized including Basic Electronics and Project Building workshop, Arduino Workshop, Basic AVR workshop. Technical and Robotics Quiz was an additional event on 14th Feb 2015.
Last but not least Dilip Singh wants to thank our Ex-Campus Chief Dr. Dharmendra Singh and Present Campus Chief Mr. Thirtha Raj Sapkota believing us and our work admiration. Thanks a lot, Basant Paudel sir, Tej Raj Giri sir, Ajay Shah sir, Ajay Kr. Shah sir, Manoj Basnet Sir, Hemant Goit sir, Bikram Bhandari Sir, Sandeep Neupane Sir for mapping our ideas avoiding the mistakes and encouraging us.
Dilip Singh needs to thank Mr. Phanindra Raj Gautam, Mr. Rupesh Basnet in administrative procedures. College Guards also cooperates night work at college so thanks a lot and sorry to disturb your sleep. All those who are directly or indirectly supporting the team and me.
The courageous and talented new team is under the newly appointed President Mr. Yadab Kr. Dhakal. Dilip Singh wants to wish a very all the best Mr. Yadab with the new team.
Thanks, a lot god bless all.