Seed Institute Of Technology Offers Boot Camp For Starters
Boot camp for starters is a program going to be launched by Seed Institute of Technology on the topics of “learn SASS the sassy way” from 7th November 2016 to 11th November 2016 at New Baneshwor (Behind Liverpool College), Kathmandu, Nepal.
This program would last for five days (2 hours on each day) and cover most of the courses from basics to advance. Once you completed this course, you will gain extensive knowledge of SASS and get ideas on how to use it the right way in a project as a “Designer.”
Besides, they would also share you some of the SASS frameworks so that you can quickly dive into your career as “professional CSS Developer.” Furthermore, you would even get access to the online Community for Learners and Mentors. For all these, you need to reserve your seat just with a nominal amount of NRS. 1,000 and if you need any other info don’t forget to call at 9803676858.