ClassicTech “Toofan Offer” with High-Speed Internet Service in Nepal

3rd May 2021, Kathmandu

ClassicTech – Nepal’s leading and largest internet service provider, has launched the Toofan offer. The company has made the offer public in considering the ban imposed by the Nepali government due to Covid-19. And the need for service recipients during the lockdown.

The offer has been made public keeping in mind the remote job and online classes are done at home.

The Storm offers provides Rs 15,000 for a year at Rs 1,250 per month under 50 Mbps with two IPTVs included for free. Also three IPTVs under 80 Mbps at Rs 1,400 per month, and up to three IPTVs under 100 Mbps at Rs 1 per month. At the rate of 800, 21,600 can be connected, the company said.

More than 50 IPTV HD channels and 100 SD channels of IPTV will be available for free with the aid of Classic Tech’s Internet. YouTube can also be seen on both old and new Tv.

In addition, the company has made public the storm recharge offer plan for its existing customers. The company also mentioned that anyone interested in another package offer can contact at 9801004477.

According to Binay Kumar Adhikari, the company’s Chief Sales and Marketing Manager, Classic Tech Internet Company, which has been successful in extending electronic state-of-the-art digital technology to the ITPS model, has been providing dependable and quality services.