Nepal Doorsanchar Company Ready to Share its Fiber Network in 66 Districts

3rd May 2021, Kathmandu

Nepal Doorsanchar Company popularly known as Nepal Telecom or NTC is a state-owned telecommunication service provider in Nepal with 91.49% of the government share.

Nepal Telecom has opened its fiber network, which has been expanded to 66 districts, for co-operation.

Speaking on the program ‘Co-use of Telecommunication Infrastructure’ as part of the telecom sector policy debate series organized by, Telecom Manager Dr. Vimal Acharya has said so.

According to him, the telecom network has now expanded to 66 districts of the country. Acharya said that the telecom has decided to share the fiber network as technically as possible.

According to Acharya, the telecom will share fiber with everyone at the price set by NEA. He said that the telecom is currently working on the connection of the fiber monitoring system.

“As soon as this happens, the telecom will be ready to share if the service provider demands the use of fiber. We have to wait for a few weeks for this, ‘he said.